Customized Pet Grooming Services in Southwestern Ontario
Hairy Barkers is a pet grooming spa in London, Ontario. We offer pet styling and other, more routine dog and cat grooming services for every breed.
Eco- and Animal-Friendly Products
At Hairy Barkers, you can always count on customized service. First of all, we use animal-friendly and eco-responsible shampoos and conditioners with only natural ingredients. The products we use on your pet will depend on his or her particular skin type.
Individualized Solutions
You’ll always find customized solutions for your beloved dog or cat at Hairy Barkers. If we find issues such as dry skin, we’ll let you know. Barb will indicate the problem and suggest solutions for you. We want your pet to be healthy and happy! Our other services include:
Grooming Procedures:
- Before bath pre-clipping
- Bath & blow-dry by hand
- Brush, combing & styling
- Cleaning the ears
- Trimming the nails
- Expressing the anal glands
Save Money on Return Trips!
Best of all, Hairy Barkers can save you money with our discounted maintenance program. Bring your pet in on a regular basis for a discounted price. Ask about this money-saving option when you call for an appointment.